Thursday, September 6, 2007

Arrival in Ireland!

Hi all,

So I set up this blog to keep track of my Irish adventures, and so that I can also share them with everyone without having to retype the same stories over and over again. Today concludes my second day in Ireland. We (myself, Devon, Erin, Allison, and Kathleen) all arrived yesterday and were taxied to Shanowen Square - the student apartments that we'll be calling home for the next few months. After checking out our rooms and doing a little recon to find out what's in the area, we all took naps and then headed out to the pub for some dinner. Nothing exciting for the first day, as we were all feeling a little jet lagged.

This morning at 9am, we met Tom and Rebecca (the people who put together our internship program) for our Irish orientation. This was basically just a crash course of how to function in Ireland - i.e. getting around on the bus, places to go, cultural customs to follow, etc. I then had my interview with XS Direct - the company I'll be working at for the next few months. The interview went pretty well and I'll be starting on Monday. It was a pretty intimate office setting, it's a small startup company with only 5 people in a medium size room - but that's not such a bad thing if you ask me, because I'll be heavily involved every step of the way. Rebecca (remember, the intern placement lady) also raved about how great the guys are that I'll be working for, and apparently it's a tried and true internship because other interns have said nothing but positive things about it. So I'm pretty optimistic about my placement at the moment.

After my interview, I met back up with the rest of the gang and Tom and Rebecca brought us out for dinner and some drinks. We ended up meeting another intern student from Texas on the bus, but she's not living at Shanowen Square, so who knows if we'll ever see her again. So far, the culture shock hasn't been bad at all. A lot of things have different names, the euro is a bit of a change, and people use different 'slang' - but nothing I can't cope with. Tomorrow I'm going to try and get a cell phone and explore Dublin some more, and on Saturday the five of us are planning to take a Dublin bus tour and do all of the touristy-type stuff. I didn't bring my camera today (kind of bulky to carry to an interview) so I don't have any pictures to post, but I'll try to share my Ireland story via pictures as much as words in the future, so hopefully this blog will be a bit more exciting. Sorry if it's a bit boring at the moment, the past two days have been mostly acclimation and there's really just not a lot worth saying.

And as a final word: Everyone who says that Guinness is way better in Ireland than in the states isn't lying. I don't care for it much back home, but it's friggin delicious over here.

Until next time.


Sean said...

I'm glad you started this. Can't wait to see some pictures. Also, when you get a chance, email me your mailing address, I have a little care package for ya.


Anonymous said...

Ditto...I'll be sure to create a care package for ya too!
So hey, so glad you're having an awesome time! I've been filled in on everything, mom forward me all of
your instant messages. Are you planning on doing any traveling. It would be so cool if you could get a week off to backpack around much more to see! Otherwise, take lots of long weekend trips and make sure you get over to Galaway and spend a night in the Aran Islands...get their via ferry from Galaway. And by the way, it isn't exactly a Ferry. Hope you don't get sea sick!
BTY: You and Devon so look like you belong you find you guys fit in well until you open your mouths? And yes, I do remember that everything is grand and I believe I recall deadly as well. The profanity I don't recall...except for "what an arse" aka...ass. Oh, and yes, everyone did say fook..alot. So I take it back, there was a lot of profanity.
Have a great time and do consider your new Guinness marketing ploy...I think you've got something there.
Your Sis

Anonymous said...

Sorry for all the grammatical errors...I'm really not dumb and I do know that when referring to a place, it's there...not their.

Anonymous said...

Tom: I guess I'm one of those "higher ups" in the family, which is a swell way of saying "old"! Of your 4 great grandparents, 3 were from county Kerry (the other was my mom's mom, and she was from Clare (do you remember the town of Ennis that we walked around in and got chocolate eclairs from O'Connor's Bakery?; that was her town). Not sure which towns you hit in Kerry but my 3 grandparents were from (excuse the spelling; just sounding them out) Anniscaul, Dingle, and Ballnabuck. Kerry looked great, even with your fake smiles!